Kurboroo Kindergarten is located in a tranquil bush setting and is known for its wonderfully warm and friendly environment.
Our kinder is well equipped with great play equipment for a wide range of both indoor and outdoor activities. Freedom of expression is encouraged by our dedicated and caring staff. Kurboroo Kindergarten is a feeder kindergarten for a number of local primary schools in surrounding areas including Croydon Hills, Warranwood, Ringwood, and North Ringwood.

4 yr old Koalas
In 2025 we will be offering the Koalas 4 year-old group, totalling 15 hours. (Proposed Subject to change)
Monday: 8:30 am – 4:00 pm
Tuesday: 1:30pm – 5:00 pm
Thursday: 8:00 am – 12:00 pm

4 yr old Possums
In 2025 we will be offering the Possums 4 year-old group totalling 15 hours.
Wednesday: 8:30 am – 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:30 am – 4:00 pm

3 yr old Wallabies
In 2025 we will be offering one 3 year-old group, totalling 9 hours. (Proposed timetable subject to change)
Tuesday: 8:00 am – 1:00 pm
Thursday: 12:30 pm – 4:30 pm

Mixed 3 yr old Emus
In 2025 we will be offering a mixed 3 year-old group, totalling 9 hours. (Proposed timetable subject to change)
Monday: 11:00 am – 4:00 pm
Thursday: 8:00 am – 12:00 pm
3 Year Old Eligibility
Children are eligible to apply for three-year-old kinder provided they turn three years old by 30 April the year they attend. However no child can commence sessions until they have turned three. The fact that your child is eligible to attend three-year-old kinder does not mean that they must attend that year. You may be able to delay your child’s attendance until the following year depending on your child’s requirements. As of 2022, children will be unable to repeat a year of a funded 3 Year Old Kindergarten program. If you feel your child may require an additional year of 3 Year Old Kindergarten, you may want to consider postponing until the following year. Please contact Kurboroo if you have any questions or your local Child and Maternal Health Centre for more information. 2022 is the first year of Government funding for three-year-old kinder.
4 Year Old Eligibility
Children are eligible to apply for four-year-old kindergarten provided they turn four years old by 30 April the year they attend. It is important for you to consider if your child is ready for four-year-old kindergarten. Families with children born between 1 January and 30 April need to make an informed choice about which year they would like their child to commence school and therefore which year their child will attend a funded kindergarten program. Government policy allows a funding subsidy for one year of four-year-old kindergarten per child in the year prior to school entry. A second year of funded kindergarten may be granted by the government in limited circumstances, please consult your child’s teacher further regarding this issue.
Enrolment Process
3 and 4 year old enrolments are centralised through the Maroondah Integrated Kindergarten Association (MIKA). MIKA maintains a central enrolment system and allocates places according to parents’ preferences and proximity to the Kindergarten.
Applications should be made between 1 March and 30 June during the year before the child is eligible to attend Kindergarten.
For more information you can contact MIKA’s Central Enrolment Office on 0449 997 488 during school terms, Monday and Tuesday from 10:00am – 2:30pm, or feel free to contact the Kindergarten’s Enrolments Officer; Penny Palmer on 0488 002 094 or [email protected]
For more information or to download an application form for both the 3 year old and 4 year old programs please visit the MIKA website.
No Jab, No Play
The Victorian Government has amended the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008. These amendments mean that early childhood education and care services cannot confirm enrolment of a child unless the parent/carer has provided documentation that shows the child:
- is fully vaccinated for their age; or
- is on a recognised catch-up schedule if their child has fallen behind with the vaccinations; or
- has a medical reason not to be vaccinated.
Conscientious objection’ to vaccination is not an exemption. For more information visit the Victorian Better Health website.

Start Your Enrolment
How to Enrol
3 and 4 year old enrolments are centralised through the Maroondah Integrated Kindergarten Association (MIKA). MIKA maintains a central enrolment system and allocates places according to parents’ preferences and proximity to the Kindergarten.
When To Enrol
Applications should be made between 1 March and 30 June during the year before the child is eligible to attend Kindergarten.
Application Forms
For more information or to download an application form for both the 3 year old and 4 year old programs please visit the MIKA website.
Contact our Enrolment Officer
- Penny Palmer (Enrolments Officer): 0488 002 094
- Penny Palmer: [email protected]
- MIKA Central Enrolment Office: 0449 997 488 (during school terms, Monday and Tuesday from 10:00am – 2:30pm)
- Kurboroo Kindergarten: 75 Bemboka Road Warranwood, 3134
Kindergarten Fees
The Victorian Government provides funding to support children to access a high quality kindergarten program in the two years before they start school. This helps to ensure all Victorian children get the best start in life.
From 2023, the Victorian Government is making kindergarten programs free for three and four-year-old children – saving you and your family up to $2,500 per year for their program. Free Kinder is a critical component of the Victorian Government’s Best Start, Best Life reform.
Funding for your child’s free kinder program is provided to our service directly from the Victorian Government, so you will not be required to make any fee payments for three and four-year-old kinder programs from 2023.
In line with the Victorian Government’s requirements for Free Kinder, your child can access a 15-hour kindergarten program (or shorter Three-Year-Old Kindergarten where less than 15 hours are offered) for free. The only fees that you may be asked to pay are for one-off excursions costs (e.g. transport and entry costs)
Your child can only be funded for a kindergarten program place at one service at any one time and only for one year in a Three-Year-Old Kindergarten program and one year in a Four-Year-Old Kindergarten program (unless your child is assessed as being eligible for a second year of Four-Year-Old Kindergarten by your child’s kindergarten teacher).